2005 Ford Ranger for Sale
August 11, 2024
2x4, 4 cylinder, 2.3L engine. The Ranger runs and is in good repair. The Ranger will be sold as-is with approx. 188,100 miles. Offers will be taken via sealed bid. The truck is available for viewing August 14 – September 13, Wednesday – Friday, 9am – 2pm at the Brunner Hill Water Association (BHWA) office located at 1145 Rodney Rd, Jordan, AR. Bids should be submitted with name, mailing address, phone number, and your bid of purchase price in a sealed envelope, with “FORD RANGER” written on the front and your signature over the seal on the back. Bids may be submitted via mail addressed to “BHWA - FORD RANGER, PO Box 134, Dolph, AR 72528” or can be submitted via the drop box at the BHWA office drop box. Bids must be received, at the BHWA office, no later than 6:30 pm on September 17, 2024, regardless of delivery method. Late, incomplete, or illegible bids will not be accepted or considered. The sealed bids will be opened at the board meeting scheduled for 7pm on September 17, 2024. Cash, money order, or cashier’s check will be required to take possession of the vehicle. If not claimed by 2pm on September 27th, the offer is void and we will move on to the next highest bidder who will have 10 days to respond before we move on again, and so on. For questions contact the BHWA secretary at 870-499-0409.